Okay, so you’ve decided to make the journey to train with me, what can you expect on the days?
We aim to start at 9am, but later if you arrived late in the evening before :-)
We will talk about the general plan for the upcoming days and what we will do
We will then do some paperwork
We begin with a review of your equipment, what you have, what you might need and how everything is working and fitting together for you
We will then make a plan for an initial dive that we will use partly for a dive assessment and skills review
As required, we will review the basics of buoyancy, trim and essential propulsion (fining) techniques
Once our diving cylinders are analysed & ready, we will head out to an appropriate dive site suitable for the work we will be doing
At the site, we will discuss the entry & exit and review the plan if needed
Once geared up and in the water, we will make a pre-dive weight check which will bring you to within 1Kg of your correct weight
The dive begins, and the camera starts rolling!
At the end of the dive, we make a full end of dive weight check and find your correct weighting
When the dive is completed, we make our way back to the centre to unload and rinse our equipment
We then have a video based debriefing session where we can watch and discuss the dive
We then make any required equipment changes and set any homework needed for the next day
The first day is normally the longest, but we will have completed most of your equipment setup, tuned up any required parts of your equipment and found your correct weight. This time investment will pay us back every day after.
The remaining training days follow a similar format
We review any homework assignments
We do some dive theory if required
We prepare equipment for the day
We discuss the aim of the day, the skills we will do and the overall dive plan
We do any land work to practice skills or drills
Then we go diving :-)
You will see demonstrations of any skills you have to perform
We will practice everything we have planned
We will have time to repeat whatever we need
We will take video for later review
We can practice any surface skills during the entry and exits
We can perform accurate pre dive and end of dive weight checks
After dive, we will get changed, load up and return to base - perhaps via coffee or ice cream!
We come back to the centre, rinse and stow the equipment
We will do a video based debriefing session and talk about what went well, what worked, what didn't and what we can about that
We might do some additional dive theory if required
We can make any equipment changes to prepare for the next day
We can set any homework (e.g. dive plans, dive calculations, land based skills practice)
Time permitting, I will publish some photographs from the day showing some of the cool stuff we did - to make your friends jealous!